A Semester Schedule
Although Covenant Groups can start at any time, you may want to consider a model with either a two- or three-term sequence. If you launch a Covenant Group in the fall (September) you will have 12 weekly meetings before the Christmas holidays. January is a good time to begin a second semester of CG meetings. This winter/spring semester will take you into April allowing for extra times when there is a schedule conflict.
A Trimester Schedule
This pattern facilitates a fall, winter, and spring 12-week schedule. Again, by starting in the fall, the first semester is finished before the Christmas holidays. By relaunching your group in January, you have two (2) twelve (12)-week time blocks that finish in early summer. With this schedule, it is usually recommended that your Covenant Group take some time off during the summer and relaunch in the fall.
Summer Focus
The two-semester schedule allows for what can be called a “summer focus.” A summer focus is a 1- to 2-month continuation of the Covenant Group but allows the group to insert a different topic from the previous two-semester content.
In a summer focus, Covenant Groups can continue using the established devotional-journaling pattern but insert a variety of different topics. Some groups used the Summer Focus to read and reflect on a book of the Bible. Others have taken a topic of interest and developed their own Scriptural reading plan.